Several Tips To Blog Better Starting On From Today

11:23 AM Posted by Admin

Web Blogging can be an extremely interesting hobby to have, especially when you can make money having fun. What I want to prove you that blogging can be not just profitable, it can be fun too.

So what is blog?

A weblog is a simple online journal which reflects author’s ideas, it’s simple as that . Using the blog, author can everything that on your mind. The main point of this blog, is to show you how to make money online blogging and having FUN. Yes, that is the hardest thing to do, enjoy what you are doing for money. As usual I have several tips that will attract more readers to your blog.

Use a casual tone when writing

Are there any blogging rules? - No
Do I have to use proper grammar when blogging? - No
Should your blog be personal and have it’s unique style? Totally YES

Most of high rates and interesting blogs are not written using formal grammar rules. Bloggers have unique writing style and that attracts a lot of readers. Would you rather read a blog which is written in formal language or the one writing in casual style. As for me, you’d rather pick the latter one. If you really want your blog to be popular and you want it to gain overall success, consider creating your own casual writing style.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Write some nice jokes or nonsense questions and answers from the web community. That will help your reader to relax. When blogging, imagine that you chat with your dudes online, and just share your experience with them, you readers are your virtual friends. But you got to find a perfect balance between humor and good imformation too, don’t overdo it, because readers will think that you are a total goof, who doesn’t know anything except jokes.

“Keep it simple”

As for me, the worst blog is the one with huge articles which say nothing to you. I have seen a lot of bloggers that write a complete nonsense which is over thousand words long. Successful bloggers write informative 300-500 word posts, and their readers just love it. So the great post structure is as it follows :
The Introduction (Post background)
Main Body (Informative post with some useful tips)
Conclusion (Two three sentences to summarize the post)

Keeping your blog short will help you retain your interested readers, who can’t efford to spend a lot of time reading hude nonsense review. “Short and Sweet” is what your should be looking for.

Consider spam-free advertising

You see, so newbie bloggers want to get a lot of traffic and money as soon as they create their first post. They just plug and chug, by spamming on all possible sites. That is a big mistake, because if your blog get blacklisted by some forums, users will be less likely to even visit your blog, never telling about reading it.
Also another bad idea is to make a lot of spam post which promote products that you sell. A good idea is to keep the number of sponsored posts under 20%.

Also don’t fill all blank space on your website with ads, because readers will think that money is the main reason for running your blog.

Proper spelling and grammar

Even if your blog is written in casual style, you have to proofread it for mistakes. Users will think that if you don’t have time to correct the mistakes, then you won’t bother answering their comments. Just keep it clean, so everyone could understand what you are actually blogging about.

Don’t expect too much

As you newbie, you don’t have to expect too much from your blog. As first blogging must be a hobby for you, later on you will be able to rock tons of cash by doing it. Building readership is the main aim in the first two month of your blog. Don’t expect readers to go crazy over your blog, because most of them won’t check it more often then once a week.

Conclusion : Blogging is not always formal. It can be casual and fun actually. You are the one to use your creativity to cope up with unique writing. Don’t be afraid to talk to your readers like you do you your friends, and keep it as simple as you can.
